Chrysalis Skin

Taking your Beauty Business to the Next Level

Increasing knowledge directly on the field, first in line, is the Chrysalis Skin mission. Our goal is to transmit direct experience to achieve results.

We believe that a satisfied customer represents the most important evidence of an excellent service. The concepts of non-stop improvement, accountability and clear measurability are constantly implemented to assure ongoing quality enhancement.

In addition, we require all our partners and vendors to fully participate with us in supporting this Quality Mission.

Our team consists of bio-engineers, medical doctors and specialised staff; a group with a strong experience in the field.

The Company offers to the customers a 360° service, which includes research, development and support in skin care products and in aesthetics, creating a winning team!

Our manufacturer

Our manufacturer is a leading Italian company operating in Beauty, Aesthetic and Well-being fields, focused on improving people’s lives through aesthetic innovations and high level customised cosmetic formulations, able to solve most common beauty problems including localised fat, premature ageing, skin slackness, fine lines, deep wrinkles and microcirculation troubles.

Headquartered in the heart of Turin, it is founded on 40 years of experience of professionals in the field. Always careful to customer needs, but also with the general will to look for and to choose to use advanced technologies and new materials in design and production. Thanks to these important elements, we are able to pursue all the decisive and important progress in aesthetic and beauty sector.

Specific product lines have been created, ranging from the development and production of equipment dedicated to physiotherapy and rehabilitation, to a wide range of equipment, cosmetics products and services dedicated to the beauty field, which set apart their Avant-garde concepts and elegant design.

Years of Experience
User Experience
Client Satisfaction


“The Touch Skin is absolutely brilliant – it’s helped uplift my business since I got it.
Better sales and happier customer who are seeing real results.”

Aesthetics in Knutsford

“Touch Skin 21 has been an excellent addition to our treatment portfolio. It offers clients a real alternative to surgical treatments. Our non-surgical blepharoplasty treatment is a best seller! The training and aftercare support is excellent.”

Skindustry in Bingley

“Touch Skin is so easy to use and my customers think the results are amazing.”

1st Beauty in Harborne

“Customers have been so happy with the results from Touch Skin – I’ve seen significant reduction in thread veins and milia and some amazing eye lifts across so many of my clients.”

Aesthetics in Knutsford

“I’ve been using this equipment now myself for over 30 years – it’s reliable, well manufactured and easy to use getting great results for my customers time after time.”

Finishing Touches, Birmingham

“I have switched to this equipment at my clinic as it simply gets better results over anything else available on the market. It’s great to be training people up knowing the results will work for their clinic and most importantly their customers.”

Aesthetic Education